So two dreams. The first is what I hope to be the last DC nightmare I ever have. So Maddy and I are working with the line in the Tanner building, but for some reason we're not sure if the show is there or actually in the Varsity Theater. So we're trying to sort that out when I find humor u performing in the hallways for the line. Which I thought was very odd, but have other things to be worrying about. Then I realize I'm late for something, so I pull Heather (one of the wives) and ask her to watch the line. Then Maddy and I run to the Marriott Center where I'm graduating. Got to count of=n DC for scheduling a show during graduation.....
Then last night I had a dream my brother Jack and I were kidnapped. The man who kidnapped Jack was super creepy but not threating to abuse him like the wife did, so I jumped her and started beating her with a brick so Jack could escape, but he didn't get so far. I'm not really sure why the lady didn't pass out, I hit her probably 15 times. So they let me call my mom and I'm just chatting with her and then I let slip Jack and I are kidnapped, and she's super confused. Then I got a text from someone and woke up. So it wasn't resolved. But I'm hoping that one never comes true.
Until Next Time,
Sweet Dreams