So a few nights ago I had a dream that DC came to Portland, my home ward to be exact, to perform. As all DC dreams go, something was going horrible wrong, and I had to try and fix things. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be awesome of the gang came out to Portland, but I can see some truth to the stress. As I'm sure you are as bored with DC dreams as I am, April will be here soon enough and maybe they will finally stop.
Side note, in this same dream Kittye got blonde highlights, they were not a good look for her. and yes I've already warned her.
Second dream. Kittye, Mariah, and our roommate Amy all came to Lincoln City Oregon with me, and I took them around to all the cool shops. In one shop we ran into Emily and Bryce and all enjoyed a nice donut or two. I really want to go to the Oregon Coast, its been too long.
In fact a lot of my dreams have been Portland and Oregon themed recently. I guess my subconscious is getting me ready for the return home. And yes its as good as decided, I'll be moving back to Portland come April, and then from there I'll more then likely find some archiving programs that look interesting. I may not be able to have a real job or life yet, but its coming, its coming
Until Next Time,
Sweet Dreams