So I've had a few strange dreams over the last few days.
The first of which were set in Provo. First I'm starting up a new history class. Its with my favorite teacher, Dr Skabelund, and its the most vague description of a class ever. Its basically World History, no timeline whatsoever. As the class begins I realized its more like Wars of World History. And we had a ton of reading for the class. Then all of a sudden I'm kind of teaching or TAing the class. It was very odd. Then I'm out of class and wondering Provo with Mariah. We make our way to Park Plaza to see the new renovations they had done. The apartments had become mostly kitchen and bathroom, I couldn't see a bedroom anywhere. It was very odd. Also we kind of broke into an apartment to see them, ops.
Last night I had a wedding/Twilight dream. Yes I was upset too. Apparently my mind is psyched about the Breaking Dawn movie. It started off in my old house and I'm Bella, and all the Cullens are sitting around the house. I'm having to get all packed for the honeymoon. And all I'm packing is make-up (what does that really say about me?) Also for some reason I take hair mascara (I think I've been watching too many 90s shows (Power Rangers, All That, and Clarissa Explains it All)) and make my bangs black, very fetching. Then I'm in a very puffy wedding dress in some large house. But Edward is gone and now I'm marry one of my friend's cousins or something. And Mike is there setting up the Love Story he did for us (I think watching his latest one on Facebook sparked this part). The rest of the dream I'm walking around this large house checking on decorations, and my hair and make-up.
It was a weird one for sure. I hope my real wedding is nothing like this.
Until Next Time,
Sweet Dreams