Monday, May 23, 2011

Hunger Games

So in reality I've started a new book, Beautiful Creatures. Which according to my friend Julie is like Twilight but set in the South, the main character is a boy, and its better than Twilight. So far so good. There is a sequel to the book and thats where my dream picks up.

For some reason my family is shopping at the Beaverton Mall, Cider Hills Crossing, or whatever its called, and there's a Walmart across the street. So we all head over to the Walmart. I end up finding the sequel and go to get in line to buy it. Well the line to buy things is ridiculously long, I means a few times around the building long. So I eventually give up because I've got to head over to practice. Practice for what you may ask. Oh just a little movie called the Hunger Games! I'm not Katniss or anything, to be honest I'm not sure who I was suppose to be. I was doing some physical training in the arena they built for the film and I was running and climbing with the actors who are playing Katniss and Peeta. It was so much fun.

I wish that dream was true. With my new dark hair I'd be an awesome Katniss, or maybe Madge. I could do that. All in all it was a fantastic dream.

Until Next time,
Sweet Dreams

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Paint-ball and New York

So I keep having New York dreams. The first of which was just me and one of the Tech guys kicking it in New York, it was like the rest of the group wasn't even there. And after some recent events, it was kind of nice. The next dream I was catching the Subway with pretty much all the other crew peeps. And for some reason I got on and no one else did. So Jordan begins signing to me to get off at the right stop, it was kind of funny seeing Jordan sign. So my train stops for some reason so I get off and catch the next subway and its some SKETCHY wooden train/tram. So I hopped on and hoped I wouldn't die.

The next dream I'd like to recount was my awesome Community Modern Warfare 2 dream. So it picked up were last week's episode ended. The ice cream evil people were everywhere, I was Annie, and it was hard core. We were all low on bullets throughout the dream, and there were random assemblies we all had to go to, and we always had our guns ready. To be honest there wasn't a ton of paint-ball action, but I woke up and was super excited for Thursday's episode. Actually TV on Thursday in general will be epic. Until then Netflix will keep me company.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fun, Fun, Fun

Oh hey friends. It been a while. So quick update. I graduated, went to New York, and now have moved back to Portland. Also I decided to begin a transformation into becoming more like Zooey Dechannel. Its coming along nicely.

My poor sister had a DC nightmare the other night. It involved the lines for best of and a three legged stool building contest. Yes I know its odd. And apparently no one knows how to build a stool properly.

I had hopefully, for real this time, my last DC dream. It was triggered by an incident that occurred in NY where one of my friends, who will remain nameless, made a comment about my heritage and how it affected how I could enjoy a burger. Anyway, it was included into a sketch in my dream, and it involved me being on stage during an actual sketch. Luckily that was only a dream.

Lastly, I had a Chuck dream. Its was odd. Sarah had been possessed and so Chuck and I had to kick some butt. We did by the way.

Having a TV in my room is only going to bring more tv related dreams.
Until Next Time,
Sweet Dreams