Friday, March 19, 2010

The Dangers of the Internet

So really bizarre dream last night. Apparently I was super tired and hanging out with some DC people. So I was sitting on a bench with Kabe and feel asleep. When he woke me up to take me home I was a little loopy. And by that I mean I tried to hold his hand or something. Now this part of the dream I don't actually remember, but no fear, Dream Kabe video tapped it. And then promptly put this tape online. So I'm at practice later in the dream sitting by someone (its a bit foggy now) and they show me the video. Which was pretty bad. I'm a drunk looking sleep walker. At the end of the video I start signing with Kabe, who doesn't know sign as far as I know. Anyway I began signing some of my deep dark secrets for the whole world wide web to see. I should clarify here though, I don't really have deep dark secrets, more like superficial stupid secrets but still, NOT COOL KABE, not cool at all. Stupid internet...

Until Next Time,
Sweet Dreams

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